Receive Instant SMS Verification Online Free

Most probably, you have stumbled on our website, as you are sick of receiving countless text messages on your mobile daily. It looks as if you have no option left, as most websites require you to confirm a numerical code, sent through SMS on your mobile to sign up with them. This is known as a SMS verification code. However, they keep on sending you SMSs even after the signing process is completed and you do not have the means to stop this mess. In the case of email, you have the option of unsubscribing from a newsletter by clicking on the `unsubscribe' link. However, you cannot do so with promotional SMS as they do not contain a standard mobile number in the sender's field. On the contrary, they contain a short code, which you cannot block.

On occasions, you might want to sign up with a website for a receiving a special and limited time offer and include your mobile number to receive the SMS verification code. However, the owner of that site keeps on sending you text messages on the mobile number you used to receive the verification code for the sign up process. Consider yourself extremely unlucky if your mobile network provider depends on the receiving party pays method. This means that you have to pay for every SMSs you receive. If this is not enough, you have to pay a hefty sum for receiving SMSs sent from other countries. Can you imagine the extra amount you have to pay at the end of the month for receiving these unsolicited messages? Would you not feel relieved if you could complete the SMS verification process without being inundated with hundreds of unsolicited text messages every month?

Do not worry as you can now receive messages without paying for them with the help of our free SMS numbers. We at SMS Free verification offer you the unique opportunity offer you the opportunity to receive messages free. With footprints in more than 100 countries, you can be sure that you will be able to avail of our services, regardless of the country you are staying in. You can use our services to verify sign up accounts in Google+, Baidu, PayPal, Facebook, Linkedin, and much more. For optimum benefits, try our premium services that allow you to have a private and dedicated number for as low as $0.50 per month. Use our services and stop paying for unwanted test messages.


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